A Parent’s Guide to Making Friends at Work Without Staying Late (as published in The Muse)

You’ve always appreciated the social aspect of your job. After a long day at the office, you’re game for grabbing dinner or drinks with colleagues at the end of a long day. You’re often quick to organize a happy hour to celebrate someone’s promotion, a big team win, or making it through hump day.

But that was before you became a parent and your out-of-office responsibilities (and your priorities) changed significantly. Weekly post-work drinks turned into fun family dinners. And book club at the cafe around the corner turned into snuggly bedtime board books. You love your new activities but you miss engaging in the social events that your non-parent colleagues are all about. You don’t want to be all work and no fun or abandon the relationships you’ve formed just because your priorities have shifted.
It’s not an all or nothing situation. Here's why.

ArticlesLauren Laitin